Making art with the seasons of womanhood.

Danish Photographer & Artist living in Australia


I believe there is something so pure and beautiful about a woman.

Her unique ability to experience and endure pleasure and pain - and still survive. The way she naturally tends to the needs of others as her highest priority (without question of her own). And the inevitability of a life devoted to loving others so deeply that she forgets just how incredible she truly is - and the magnificent ways her body and heart supports her beautiful life time and time again.

Like life, she moves and changes with the seasons. The seasons of her womanhood - from girl to woman, maiden to mother, single to beloved. Each season adorning her with new love and new pain - marks of the woman she continues to become.

I (artfully) capture your seasons.


A collection of curves, shapes and unique feminine expression captured - as art.

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below her surface

An art collection by Diana Brandt

Below Her Surface is a look beyond the facades of a woman. An invitation to look beyond the smiles and shapes she makes - to see her heart. The parts of her that ache, and feel, and scream with longing. Below Her Surface sees beauty from the truth that is only ever found just below the surface.

Spirits Of Water

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She Is Enough

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Her Healing

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